Friday, June 3, 2011

Goggle??? Blogger??(^$$#

For over a week I have been having so much trouble trying to comment on other blogs, no matter what I do Google wants me to sign in....I do, but I still can't leave a comment. I can post to my blog but not leave a comment )$@<^)@# I'm visiting your blogs.......but not commenting, sorry. Does anyone else have/had this problem???


  1. I haven't been having any trouble....

  2. I have had this problem for a few weeks as well. So far what has worked, it unclicking the "Keep me signed in" box when you sign in. I hope that helps.

  3. I have been having this problem. unclicking the 'Keep me signed in' box works, but now I am getting fed up of signing in every day. Now my box is ticked to stay signed in and I am posting this. Will it work? I think it might because my identity is revealed below. Wish me luck.

  4. I have had this problem, and read that others have had it as well.

  5. Yes, I have been having this problem off and on. It seems to be more serious with bloggers who are overseas...
