One of the things I had to do was drop some stuff off at our church for the rummage sale. While I was there I found a brand new Creative Memories rolling cart. I don't need one but I called my daughter. Next I stopped at the thrift store where I found a chaise for our deck. :-) I have one that I use but it's just a cheap one that I have to put away every night. This one matches our deck furniture (plastic) and came with a nice pad that is not even dirty! I think I am gonna love it!!!
When I got home I started some housework and then noticed that the sun was shining, so can you guess what I did???? I HAD to take advantage of that and grabbed my ereader to read for a bit. I borrowed WATER FOR ELEPHANTS by Sara Gruen. It was actually warm here, I was in heaven! I stopped reading for a while and when I went back to the was gone :-( I knew my lending period was almost up, that is why I knew I had to read. Marlena had just left August and now I don't know what happened...... What am I going to do? No one in my book club owns it, I am on the waiting list at the library, and at Overdive (lending library for ebooks) I am #225 of a waiting list of 225 people.
My hubby called (his allowed 10 minute phone call from the ship).....the crew boat was leaving in 3 about hours for the 8 hour ride to land. He should be some Saturday night. It made me feel good that the first thing he said to me was to ask how things were going with the person that I had a disagreement with last weekend. Hubby may not be Mr Romantic, but he cares :-)
While I was outside a friend stopped over and we went to a couple of rummages sales. When I got home I saw that my daughter had emailed me and told me to pick up the scrapbooking tote for I hopped in my car and drove the 4 blocks to church to get it.
Finally I figured I needed to get the laundry done, clean the bathrooms, and make I had to come inside. I did make progress in the housework area!
Here is my strange little garden. Grandson J and I started some seeds inside and they are getting leggy, so I 'stole' some empty soda bottles from work (ours went out with the recycling), cut off the bottoms and set some of the plants outside. I hope to plant flowers next that it really is spring.
Today I had breakfast with my Friday group, stopped at Walmart and a few garage sales. After I got home I knew I had to try out the chaise I bought yesterday. Yup, yessiree, it works! I love it!
As always, everyday housework is calling me...............toodle ooh
I will have to see your chaise and your "garden." I am glad that hubby cares. Mine isn't romantic either.