Thursday, April 7, 2011

Once a Blond, Always a Blond

Actually I am not a blond, never have been. I'm a redhead, more of a strawberry blond now. Even though I color my hair to look more like my natural coloring I still have many 'blond moments'....such as this morning...... I couldn't find my keys, they were not where I normally put them....then the light bulb went on..."don't tell me I left them in the door". Sur 'nuff - I did!!! I'm glad we don't live in a high crime area. Usually my hubby finds them when he gets home, but he is still in AZ. I hate it when I do that.


  1. I feel ya, I've definitely done that before!!!

  2. Do this all the fact, we too often do this and sleep with them in the door...not good in San Antonio!!

  3. New follower and fellow "blonde"

    I am naturally a brunette by my partner calls me Dizzy as is "Dizzy Blonde" because of my moments. :)

    enjoy ur weekend

  4. P.S.
    Not trying to be rude with my spelling of Blonde.....I am English and just realised the spelling difference on my comment.


