Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just another snowy day in WI

Greetings from land of the big snow and cold weather....that's what we should be called. Nearly everything was shut down last night and today, including our Red Hat meeting. Many schools and businesses were closed today. Actually our part of the state did not get hit too ice and we really didn't get a lot of snow. Hubby didn't have to go in so I was lucky! He wasn't up when I got up so I asked if he was going to shovel and his reply was "what snow".....well, part of the sidewalk in the back was bare but 3' away there was a 3' drift. And, of course, the end of the driveway was full of snow. The snowblower is not working so he shoveled by hand today. I was pleasantly surprised that the drive to work was not bad at all. Everyone was slower than normal but no one was slipping and sliding around. The wind was bad so I assume the county roads were pretty drifted. On the way home the road was basically dry and bare. Now that the sun is getting higher, even when it is 20 there is some melting. Speaking of sun, it was blinding me (in my rear view mirror) on the way home, but I am NOT complaining, not one bit. I love sun! Last, but not least, the groundhog from WI says we will have an early spring. That makes me think it will be a wet one too.....we have LOTS of snow that has to melt before we can see the ground.
At our local Shopko the first Wednesday of the month is senior day. I stopped in today and picked up a couple of things on clearance....and saved an extra 15%....can't complain about that. Goodwill, Younkers, a local thrift store, and I am sure more places have senior day too. I am trying to keep that in mind. I forgot about the senior menu at breakfast the other day. Guess I try not to think of myself as a senior. :-)


  1. I forget about the "senior" discounts too!!!
    Just COLD snow!!

  2. What age does Seniors Discounts begin? 55?I am getting closer.LOL.

  3. yes, I think most places are 55, some are 60....just look old and ask. LOL
