Friday, August 26, 2016

A Doctor and Garden Today'v

Friday I and my friend took a ride to Milwaukee to my cardiologist. Strangely I wake up in the wee hours of the morning and it takes me awhile to go back to sleep, so I was really in a deep sleep when I heard text sound....before 7AM fault....I don't turn my phone off at night...usually it's not a problem. I guess my daughter had some free time before work and sent me a photo of my grandson.
I had about 8 more minutes to sleep so I was able to wake up slowly.
As usual I was 5 minutes late to pick up Carolee, my driver. Tis the season for orange cones (road construction) in Wi, but we arrived in plenty of time for my lab work. My dr is usually on time  so my appointment doesn't take much time. He said all seems good, my heart and kidneys that is....cancer??? seeing my oncologist next week.
After lunch we did a teeny bit of shopping...both of us are trying to move things out of our house...not into it. After St Vincent de Paul and Trader Joe's stops we headed home. She didn't buy a thing, I got a few things at Trader Joe's.
Doesn't this dessert look good?
Before we went home we also stopped at the gardens by the lake. It's been a few years since I've been there.

Tons of flowers and they are beautiful!!! 

It's beautiful and peaceful, I could walk around for hours and could have taken 100's of photos. 


  1. OK, I got my update, part of it anyway. You are looking great! As for the flowers, I could spend all day there taking pics.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I had to chuckle when you said you were late to pick up your driver. It just hit me on the funny bone!

  3. I grew up not far from Milwaukee, in Sheboygan. We do love Lake Michigan. Glad to hear your health report was good.

  4. Beautiful flowers and Beautiful YOU!
