Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Yummy Muffins

I love muffins, not cupcakes, but heavy, healthy muffins. On the days I work I have one mid-morning. I always have some in the freezer. The ones I baked Monday were yummy!

The recipe for these Apple Oat Muffins is here. I didn't have any buttermilk so I had to substitute regular milk with lemon juice and I also used a whole egg instead of the 2 egg whites. They were moist and very tasty!


  1. I love good muffins also. This recipe sounds pretty good with whole eggs, so I copied it and plan to try them after husband gets me an apple and raisins.

  2. I love muffins too. Especially Banana Nut!!! I will have to try your recipe, sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing!
