Monday, January 10, 2011

Laziness, cookies, and more

What is with me lately? I have been so lazy???? My Christmas tree is still up and I always get it down a few days after the first....maybe I am tired of doing everything all by myself? I have so many things I want to do; from general house cleaning to organizing craft area, working on craft projects/photo & scrapbooks, redoing our spare bedroom and bathroom......but nothing gets done! :-( I was organizing in the basement yesterday when my back suddenly 'went out' so I had to take a break in my chair....that really slows things down.

I did crush candy canes and mints (actually grandson did) and made chocolate cookies yesterday. The peppermint adds a nice flavor to the cookies, especially if no one cares for candy canes. If you are lazy like me (see above) you can use a cake mix to make cookies. There are many recipes but I used this one:

pkg cake mix, any flavor
1/2 cup butter, softened
2 eggs
(add chocolate chips, nuts, M&Ms or whatever you want)
Mix together and bake on ungreased cookies sheets for 8-10 minutes.

Quick, easy, and tasty!!!

Right now I am reading CUTTING FOR STONE by Abraham Verghese. It's very good. It takes place in Ethiopia, has a lot of medical and local cultural information, and is about twins born out of wedlock who lost both parents at birth. Over 500 pages long but a good read. I would not have chosen it myself, but our book club is reading it.


  1. I want to just craft and baking sounds great. I'm trying not to bake treats as I'm also trying to eat better this year :(

  2. Not to worry...all of my decorations are still least this weekend I have a three day weekend!! Thanks for the looks good..
