Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sometimes It's Just The Little Things

Like hearing people telling you you're a sharp dresser, like picking up money from the consignment shop for clothes that don't fit you anymore, like getting invited to go places, like seeing what good parents your adult children have become,  like having a grandchild want to go to church with you, like having people bring you fresh vegetables & flowers because they know you love them, like getting a 'Hello' text for no reason .....that's what makes me smile. 
Another day is almost over and I've been thinking. 
I cleaned the bathroom and did a bunch of laundry today...even that made me feel good to be able to do those tasks. Actually I should be doing more!

My oldest son and his children came for a visit on friday. Usually we visit some local place of interest. Friday we went to the fishing museum.  I haven't been there for about 10 years. Two Rivers is well known for it's commercial fishing endeavors since the 1840's. It's a popular place for charter fishing. 

The Rouse Simmons, or 'Christmas tree ship', is Lake Michigan's
most famous shipwreck. The ship was eventually found off the shore of Two Rivers in 1971. Every year fresh Christmas trees were brought from upper Michigan to Chicago, but in 1912 a storm overtook the schooner and 16 men died. The museum contains artifacts from the schooner. 


Later we stopped at the beach, at another museum for ice cream cones, and at a local fish market. We both got some smoked fish....I love smoked fish! I've never been to that fish market so it was nice to check it out. 
Saturday was a quiet day here. I did housework and read, nothing out of the ordinary. Kevin golfed all day.....part of the day was a bachelor party event. 
The laundry is calling..............time to fold hasn't folded itself all day. (sad face)


  1. Look at you, looking beautiful! Sounds like the perfect way to spend the day! Have a blessed Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

  2. The little things are so very important! You are excellent at finding and appreciating them! I will see you tomorrow about 1:30.

  3. Great photo of you!!! Pink is your color. Making memories :)

  4. Pretty photo of you! I'm glad you got out with your family. Have a blessed day.

  5. You are a sharp dresser.....and a delightful person. It is the small things that make me happy too.

  6. You do look good. The small things that we can be thankful about are what makes the world a stronger place.
