God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Also, a dear friend of mine is facing a very difficult decision that will affect the rest of her life and that of her son.
After I got home from my walk with Kathy I stopped at the thrift store, library, and finally the grocery store. Then I came home and looked at some magazines while I sat on the deck. I found a new one: My Home My Style, it's a new magazine and has lots of great ideas for decorating and building things for your home. So fun....so many neat, easy ideas........ I love to look and get great ideas, but have a difficult time following through.
Since hubby was home for supper tonight and I wasn't at work today I decided to make supper.....but wouldn't you know it....a friend invited us over for dinner about 1/2 hour after I started it...but hubby didn't feel like going.....sometimes he is such an old man. It would have been a beautiful night to sit and watch the river while visiting.
I finally captured this butterfly in my backyard tonight. Here's an interesting tip I read in Real Simple this afternoon: to remove rust on your concrete patio from iron furniture mix up lemon kool aid and put it on the stain, the citric acid will dilute the stain. Repeat as needed.
I pray your friend makes a wise decision. I love old covered bridges and it looks like a wonderful place for a walk and a heart to heart talk.