Friday, July 1, 2016

What's New Here

It's been a beautiful week and I felt pretty darn good. I weeded most of my flowers, a never ending job.  Of course I was off my chemo pills for a week so that probably helped . Today is day 2 of round 2 and it's going OK.
I've decided to get the Zometa infusion suggested by my oncologist to strengthen my bones. It is not supposed to stop the cancer but will help prevent breakage. I do not have osteoporosis but my bones have thinned due to the chemo. The drug is given every 3 months. I'll call the nurse on Monday, she wasn't in today. 
Today I was released from the home health care association because I am not housebound anymore, I can drive a bit, much to Kevin's distress. He does not like me driving, at all. It was a bittersweet event, the 2 nurses I deal with are so sweet and caring, we will miss each other. It is a wonderful service!!!
Today a friend, who is also a nurse, came over and watched how to empty my drain and she will do it from now on. It is very nice to have a nurse as a friend, actually all friends are wonderful to have. It is on my side and there is no way I can turn my body to do it. 
Don't tell Kevin, but I ran some errands today and ran into a friend at the thrift store. One of the things I bought was this fitbit band, it's not the fitbit brand, but I LOVE the color....the other bands I have are black or steel blue. I love funky colors. It was priced at $12 but I was talking to the clerk and told her it was an 'off brand' and she gave it to me for $6. I saw it online for $14.99. My fitbit is going back on! I know I won't get near as many steps as I'd like, but I am curious. Last week I had a couple of big walking days.

No big plans here for the long weekend, maybe something will turn up. I'll just putz around here and Kevin will golf. Same ol' same ol'. 
Hope you have a relaxing and safe weekend.


  1. I don't have a fitbit band(wish I did as I must have my phone in my pocket at all times). My goal is 6,000 steps. I average that about once a week, maybe twice. But I pay for it(pain in hips, back, legs, feet). This is not even trying, just doing my usual chores. BTW, your band is pretty. Much nicer.

  2. Nice band! Glad you decided to put it back on your wrist.

  3. I haven't been on here in a while and was thinking about you last week. Glad you are feeling better and I'm going back now to catch up with you.

  4. Oh, that is a cute band! Someday I will get a fitbit, but don't really need one today.

  5. I really like the band! You have a lovely blog, and I also love chocolate! I hope you continue to feel better. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.
