Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thoughts on Thursday

Let's look on the bright side:
I don't have to shave my legs anymore.
There's no waiting for my hair to dry in the morning before I run errands.
It doesn't take much shampoo to shampoo a bald head. 
I'm saving money on hair cuts and color.
I don't worry if I'll have a good hair day.

I was wearing a very flimsy scarf yesterday and I lost it that's one item I don't have to stress over 'keep or donate'.
If I'm napping and the dirty dishes are waiting Kev will often wash them.
I have a good excuse for those 'senior moments' aka chemo brain.
The mail man is bringing me lots of pretty cards.
If I feel like reading all day I don't feel guilty. 

Just a few  'benefits' of having breast cancer. 


  1. What an inspiration. You are certainly looking on the bright side. Sending many hugs.

  2. What a great attitude! Kick up your heels, girl and when you're not grab your girls and go junkin.

  3. I am so glad that you can find some light in the darkness that cancer can cast on your life and spirit. You are a wonderful inspiration, Linda! xo Diana

  4. Your "lemonade" is so refreshing! What a wonderful attitude you have. I wondered about the status of your legs. Glad to hear that cards are arriving...they all come with prayers. Hugs!

  5. You are so more Zen than I am with letting go! But I am with you! Happy day! <3
