Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Few Thrifty Finds

One day as I was browsing a local thrift store I spied these fabulous handmade pins and necklaces made with slides. There were more but I only took 4. I feel kinda bad for the artist who crafted  these, the price on the back was $20 and you can see the price I paid was much cheaper.

 You KNOW I HAD to have the chocolate one!

Pretty, right?
Lucky me!

It's a beautiful sunny morning here......long overdue!
I'm off on a road trip later this morning with friends to visit one of our Red Hat sisters who got married and moved away. She's having us over for lunch....should be a great day!
Hope yours is also!

1 comment:

  1. Now I won't be surprised when you give your friend Or, you could put them on a charm bracelet.
