Monday, October 29, 2012

Don't Judge a Book.....

I'm sure you've heard the quote "Don't judge a book by its cover" or have even quoted it to others. As for a book, I do, quite often, look at the cover (and more often the title) and decide if I want to read it. That works for me and nothing is wrong with that.

But what about people? Do you make judgements on their appearance? I'll admit it, I have done it. No, I don't think it's right but it's hard not to do (at least for me). I try to be open minded and give a person a chance though.

Saturday morning I picked up 2 of our grandsons to do some trick or treating. First we went to Festival Foods. Very Cool! All of the employees were dressed in costume, nothing very gory. (It must be expensive to work there at this time of the year.) The kids got a couple of individual snack size bags of pretzels, etc. They also passed out home made rice Krispie treats, the the kids each got to decorate a cookie!
this was their favorite part of the day 
the Jester is obsessed with guns
At the cookie decorating table I observed a young couple with 2 kids (one in a stroller). They were both dressed in costume too. And then I noticed that she had several piercings on her face....the oddest was at the top of her nose near the corner of her eye. eeeww.....owie!!! I didn't get a really good look at her face because I didn't want to be rude and stare (although when someone has a lot of piercings or tattoos I wonder if it is b/c they WANT you to notice them???) Anyway, they made a favorable impression on me as I watched their kind and gentle behavior with their children. The kids were clean and well behaved and the parents were having fun participating in the 'holiday' as a family. I did not judge by outside appearance but by the way they showed what was on the inside.

After that we drove to the small town that we live in. Many of the businesses on the main street were handing out candy. It was a sunny, brisk day so it wasn't a bad day to walk. I did move the car every couple of blocks tho. It was fun and the boys loved it!

That afternoon my step daughter and granddaughter M came to visit. M is quite the character! The kids played pretty good, Jessica and I had a nice visit. We had a couple of good laughs when grandson J had Jessica & hubby on the floor doing some sort of exercise where you had to balance on your bottom and keep your legs off the floor. Grandpa had to demonstrate that he is still able to do a headstand....for a second.

Jessica with her nephew and daughter

Today is favorite day, remember? We are having a new furnace installed- YAY!!! What are you doing today???

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thoughts on Friday

Well, I'm a day late and a dollar short...........story of my life. Mind if I go on with a few thoughts for this week? It's been a busy week.... it seems to me like it has flown by. I'm really tired and would like to go to bed right now, but I know my mind would just keep running..........

  • I like being tall: 1) I can reach items on the top shelf (I don't like asking people for help). I can also hide/put away things up high (away from young hands & eyes). Yesterday I was able to pound a nail high on a stud in the garage so I could hang up a summer wreath (for winter storage). 2) I can see over the crowd and for a distance.
Tuesday I was excited to meet a friend after work to see the 'Art of Tablesetting' at a local museum. Here are last year's photos. I met my friend at the museum and she was waiting in her car for me...hmm...the museum was closed. (insert sad face) What should we do now? We went to a deli for a sandwich. OMG, it was great!!! I can't stop thinking about that fabulous sandwich. It was the day's special so I'm not sure if it's a regular menu item, and even if it is, I very seldom eat there.

Thursday I was off work and I knew I HAD to empty out the flower pots that are all over the yard. We were expecting a cold front to move in later in the day so I decided to put sweats on and get my outside work done early.....I ALWAYS shower, get dressed, fix my hair, and put make up when I start my day...even if I am staying home to clean....but not Thursday. I was outside by 7:15 and got everything put away by mid morning. Later in the day I did stop at the thrift store and the library book sale. I had planned to get lots done at home....but plan A had to be scrapped and I went to plan B. My step son had left me a voice mail, when I was outside in the morning, asking if I could baby sit for a bit in the afternoon .... their babysitting had gone AWOL. How could I say no? I decided to leave early and stop to see the tablesettings before getting to their apartment. Participation was down from previous years, but it was still something to see. I decided to take the 3 boys to the library, which was a great idea b/c the 3rd grader had to do some research on the computer (and they don't have one at home). The 2 older boys are not a problem at all, but the 2 year old........he's something else. He never stops, he wanted to take every book off the shelves. I tried to read to him but we never made it past the cover. I know why young people have 2 year olds and not people my age!

I have plans with boys for tomorrow and later my step daughter and her family are stopping over. I should be DOING something tonight but I am parked in front of my computer and TV.

Watch for upcoming posts:

  • Christmas cards from Archiver's 'create a bunch'
  • photos from the 'Art of Tablesetting'
  • recent thrifty finds
  • more sweater flower pins
  • the ever popular grandkids
And now for the question of the 'day'.....when will I have enough time for everything I want to do???

Monday, October 22, 2012

This 'n That/Weekend Edition

"The older you get the faster time goes", one of my mother's famous (according to me) quotes. And it is sooooooooo true! October is almost over and I don't know where the time went. All of my flower pots still remain outside; some contain hardy plants, still flowering; and others hold skeletons of formerly blossoming flowers. The weather on my days off has not been very conducive to work outdoors-lots of rain.   Yesterday, when it was sunny and nice outside, I was gone all day. I miss being at home and accomplishing something.....Guess I am a 'Martha'. And tomorrow, another nice day, I'll be at work.

Even though we've had lots of rain for the past 2 weeks it is still very dry here. It's sad to see the river beds and streams so very low, to see weeds growing where formerly water flowed, to see the ducks huddling in one small area. Saturday I drove to Clintonville (more centrally located) I noticed that the rivers are not as low there as they are here.

This past weekend was suppose to be my L O N G weekend, but Lisa wanted a day of vacation on Friday and I didn't have plans so I worked for her. Besides I can use the extra $ for my upcoming trip. She is always good about working for me when I ask to trade days. That is one of the things I mentioned to my boss when he was interviewing for the job-we need someone who is flexible with work days.

Every Saturday in October I had 2-4 things that I wanted to do.....and I'm the one who likes to stay home! I was finally able to make it to watch 2 of my grandchildren play in their soccer tournament on Saturday. The first game was at 9AM and it's a 90 mile drive so I had to leave early.

Grandson J spent the night on Friday so he came along with me, he loves to see his cousins. He was 'impressed' that we got up when it was dark outside. Me? not so much. I'm 'old fashioned' and don't believe that a child has to have every gadget available to them on a long car ride. J brought along several books, his journal, and some colored pencils. He read for a while then he recited the names of  mammals from the 300 page Wisconsin Mammals handbook he 'made' me purchase at a trip to Barnes and Noble this summer. I was pretty pleased with his reading.

live action shot of my soccer player

My oldest grand
daughter's cross country photo

We watched all the games, the weather was cool, we didn't see much sun, but at least it was not raining. As I was walking over to the field where my grandson was playing some woman yelled out "linda loves chocolate"....of course I look. I didn't recognize her at first, until she told me her name.......and I replied "I didn't recognize you with so many clothes on."   Her (laughing) "I hope no one heard that". The last time I saw her was this past summer...hence, not so many clothes on. And before that it was at least 40 years. We had a nice visit. And I guess she reads my blog ...the address is lindaloveschocolate :-)

Before coming home we stopped in to visit my mom. It was interesting to watch my mom talk to my grandson about her rock collection (she's a bit of a hoarder with stones). She game him some pretty ones and we'll find a place for them. As we got ready to leave he gave her a hug and said 'love you' without any prompting from me. Warms a grandma's heart, huh?

Grandson J had to go home Saturday night and he cried all the way home.......broke my heart. His 8 year old brother was at the other grandparents. His 2 year old (terrible 2's) brother was home with dad and 2 of dad's friends. J was so upset b/c no one would do anything with him and he'd probably have to watch his brother while dad played video games. Hopefully he got over it.

And now comes more fun.............Sunday morning my friend picked me up and we were off to Archiver's in Appleton to make some cards. We stopped in a tiny town for breakfast, a great breakfast. Deb had a Belgian waffle and I had an omelet. We split our food so we each got to have everything we wanted. I'll post some of the cards we made later in the week. We stopped at Goodwill, nothing too exciting there to write about. Red Lobster was next on our list....endless shrimp here we come!!! Neither one of us needed it, but we enjoyed it!

I had a 'coffee date' with a friend this morning. We met at the thrift store and then proceeded to Kathy's favorite spot for soup and coffee/latte. Two hours later we left our 'therapy' session. I am still in the process of cleaning up the kitchen and laundry usual..... Time for a piece of my fresh from the oven chocolate chip zucchini bread before I get back to my dirty dishwasher in this house.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Was Happy

Kwik Trip is a local franchise of gas stations/convenience stores in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. I drive past several every day and I don't mind because quite a few years ago I got a credit card from them. The company was  offering $25 worth of gas free with it....who could resist? And I always have to use gasoline, so that is where I buy gas now. In your credit card statement they always have coupons, many times for a free pound of bananas or potatoes...OK, that's about 2 items, but it works for me. I also get a small rebate check quarterly.

I pay the balance on my card every month. BUT.....for some reason, I forgot to pay (or even make a payment on) my $358 charge last month. (No, that is not normally what I spend on gas!!!) Of course they mailed me a letter informing me of a finance charge and $20 late fee. I made a payment and called them immediately, the gal on the phone checked my payment record, and before I could ask for it she told me she credited the finance charge and late fee. 
 Now that's another example of excellent customer service! Thanks Kwik Trip!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Age Of Miracles/ Book Review

 Lately I've been reading as if all the books available to me will disappear in a week. I just finished THE AGE OF MIRACLES by Karen Thompson Walker. I usually don't read this kind of  science fiction books, I don't know why I chose this from Overdrive, but I did. 
I did enjoy it. It's about the time when the earth starts slowing down on it's rotation and axis around the sun. The periods of daylight and darkness increase. As the days stretch to 36 hours, 50 hours and more 2 factions form - clock timers and real timers and tells of the struggles between the 2. It expounds upon what happens when the daylight & darkness periods increase - from human sickness to plant and animal life dying. Apparently it was written as a young adult book, the story is told by a 6th grade girl as she lives through this time period and also as she grows into a teen. It's not the most exciting book I've read but it did give me something to think about.

Today was Monday!!!! Yippee ki yay!!! Much to my dismay I woke up at 9:50 this morning.....I never sleep that late. I couldn't sleep last night so I'm sure that is why. There was no place that I had to be so I just stayed at home in my sweats and had a 'me day'. I completed 8 pages for my scrapbook - nothing fancy, but it means I'm getting closer to getting it done. The fridge was full of leftovers so that is what we ate for dinner. I cleaned up the few plants I brought inside and then mopped the kitchen floor. Now I am off to make the bed (after washing bedding-guess Monday is still wash day) and then fold baskets of clothes.

Hope your day was productive too...........or whatever you wanted it to be.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Just a Rainy Wet Weekend

It rained for several days last week and has been raining here all weekend. When it's rainy I like to bake, work on one of my many hobbies, or read. Yesterday afternoon I went to a Creative Memories party. Barb had a card planned for us because most of the people Deb knows are card makers more so than scrapbookers. We made this adorable Halloween card using their new border punch system. I typed up the greeting on the computer because I don't have many Halloween sayings.
 I had some scraps left over so I decorated the inside too. Normally I leave it plain. I'll mail out a few cards to my grandkids  who live out of town, to my mom,  and maybe to a friend or 2. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want and need to work on my scrapbooks. 
In fact this afternoon that is what I am going to do, get out my Washington DC scrapbook.....the trip was a year ago and the book is still not completed. I NEED to go to a weekend retreat! Our grandson went home earlier today than usual so I might have time! It really bugs me that his mom will call when she is in the driveway for him to come out.....she can't even come into our house???  Am I that bad of a mother in law???

Grandson J slept most of yesterday afternoon and went to bed early last night so we didn't really do much together. He wanted to go to church this morning....he has WANTED to for the last 2 weeks...I wanted to stay in my jammies until I had to take him to Sunday School. But I figured I best make sure I go when he wants to, it's better than when I have to force  him to go.

Looks like it will be a nice, quiet afternoon...............big smile.......hubby is working on his sports cards, I working on my crafts.........leftovers for supper...............ahhhhhhhhhh............... I hope the rest of the week goes as smoothly!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thoughts on Thursday

It's Thursday, time for me to let you know what I'm currently thinking about. My intentions were to be able to say "Good Morning", but I slept in today.....I actually don't like it when I sleep until 9. I was in a bit of a rush because I had to be at the elementary school for 'book munchers' at 11:15 this morning. It's only a 15 minute drive, but still.........

I've been thinking of kindness, especially some kind words that were spoken to me recently. My (soon to be ex) sister in law has been going through a difficult time and was suffering from depression earlier in the summer. She told me that the book I had given her to read was partly what helped her to move on to the very different life she's leading now. I don't recall the title but it was about how to handle life when you have to move out of your comfort zone. (I think this is the title If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat) I am a giver and when I saw this (either at a garage sale or thrift store) I hoped it would be something she could read and relate to. Makes me wonder: Did God put that book there for me to see? Thank you Michele for thanking me! Your kind words made my day that day.

And now for a story that made me cry....I do that a lot, thankfully not out of sadness. I work in a small office, by myself most of the time. If I talk to anyone it's the guys at work or maybe a truck driver or customer on occasion  One of the truck drivers is a short, ordinary looking, middle age (?) guy. I like to talk to him because he drives a limo on weekend and has funny stories to share sometimes. Anyway......his wife's birthday and retirement were approaching and he decided to do something special for her. OMG, did he ever! For 2 weeks he pulled of an elaborate scheme for her pleasure. He had a very few of her co-workers and his in on it . Anonymously she received cards, flowers, gifts, etc. On the last night of it he planned a dinner party for her, he even sent out invitations to the guests, himself included. After dinner she had to meet the mysterious person at the bar. He had roses for her and they rode in the limo. She never did figure out who was behind it. I had tears in my eyes when he told me about the last night of it. Such kindness, love, thoughtfulness. Bob, your wife is a very lucky woman!!!

And that is what I wanted to share today.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sometimes I Like To Be A Little Wild

I'm sure you've seen decoupaged items all over the internet, and probably even transformed a few things. I admit it, I  have covered several boxes with magazine pages and I kinda like it! I've seen so many different ways to decorate pumpkins, including decoupage....but I don't have time to fool around with something like that just for one day....or do I?

 When I found a package of animal print paper for 1/2 off at Goodwill several weeks ago I knew I'd end up with some 'wild' pumpkins. I purchased the above foam pumpkins at Dollar Tree, I'm cheap and wasn't sure how my experiment would turn out. I like the pumpkins and think they give my bear a touch of class!
What do you think?

I do have several pumpkins outside by the front door and was thinking about how I should carve them this year....and....I've decided that I don't have to! That is, unless my grandsons want to. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

the Enchanted Forest

Saturday evening I took my 2 grandsons to the Enchanted Forest at Woodland Dunes. I wanted to do something different with the boys, and it looks like we won't make it to the corn maze this year. Woodland Dunes is a nature center and preserve just outside of our fair, small, city. It covers almost 1200 acres. They had never been there. I don't know why their school district doesn't take field trips there. Many years ago I was there  with their dad when he was in elementary school. 

It was pretty hilarious to watch the kids 'bob' for apples. Ever tried to bite an apple tied to a tree branch? It ain't easy!!!

They had their 'bird horoscopes' told. After they give their birth-date a corresponding bird was chosen and the horoscope was read, the funny part was that the one for my younger grandson was nearly right on. 

Next we went for a hike in the woods. The way was light by luminescent, but it wasn't dark when we started. 

The first animal we met was the owl and he explained some interesting facts about owls. 

The fox.

The skunk even had her area scented, I didn't really notice it. I do remember that she said to wash in vinegar and baking soda if you get sprayed!

 None of us knew that spiders have 8 eyes, did you? They also regenerate their web every day.

It's a garter snake, not a garden snake, who knew?

Sitting around the fire enjoying pop corn. 
It was chilly-see the winter jackets? We all enjoyed it and decided to put it on the calender for next year. It was well worth the small cost. I am going to keep my eyes open for future events. I know they are having Owl-fest later this month but I can't make it. Woodland Dunes is another inexpensive, fun, learning experience for these boys who would never experience this if I didn't take them. I've decided that I take these boys not only for their enjoyment but then I get to go someplace and have fun too!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?

I do! I found these vintage buttons last week when I stopped at a couple of garage sales. These, and more, were in a sandwich baggie for 50 cents. I picked them up, not because I am button collector  but because I use buttons on cards, craft projects, and scrapbook pages. I didn't really look at the bag. I just decided that the price was right.
 Look closely at the prices......I wonder how much a card of buttons costs now??? I'll have to check Hobby Lobby this week.
These 'jet black imported glass' buttons, made in Germany -US zone, for 10 cents were a steal. I may just keep them on the card and not use them! Somehow I need to display them. I'm not a sewer seamstress, so it won't be in my sewing room.

These button sample cards are from the Lansing button factory in Lansing IA. My SIL gave them to me, her mother use to work there.

As I said earlier, I am not a button collector, but after I found the Lansing button page and looked at some of the vintage ads, I decided I wouldn't mind taking the factory tour. 

In the August 1943 Good Housekeeping Magazine there's a full page ad showing how to refashion a skirt and scarf from a coat......using lots of buttons. Interesting....Check out the ads if you have time. I never knew buttons could be so interesting.  And that reminds me....I wonder if I still have any of those old underwear buttons, do you?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

World Card Making Day

Today is World Card Making Day. I like to celebrate some of the lesser known 'holidays', such as today's! Unfortunately I am not making cards today.....just doing the normal every day cleaning stuff.  But I can share some of the Halloween cards I have made.

Most of these are Stampin' Up cards. The kitty one below is my favorite. 
I still love the torn paper.
This one is quite elegant.....except the saying is stamped upside down on the top of the card.....have to fix that before I mail it. 

This skeleton was part of an invitation I used once for a Halloween party I invited the grand kids to....but I have lots left and I think they work great on a home made card.

Maybe I have ADD or just lots of interests......but I read, thrift, scrapbook, make cards, rant & rave, and sometimes I even clean and cook. So come back and see what's on my mind tomorrow.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Freda's Voice: The Friday 56

 Welcome to Week 94 with me!   Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56. *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) 

p. 56 "All the beachfront homes had been evacuated by then-no one knew what might happen to the tides."

This book is intriguing to me....the earth's axis is slowing down. I'm only on page 28  and I want to keep reading. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Isn't this just the cutest? I found the pattern here at mer mag, my grandsons and I have to make these!!!!

Another use for a toilet paper roll. Fill it with candy for the kiddos. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Why I Love Wisconsin

The view across the street from my house. 

 Beautiful place for a hike.

'The boys' and I went for a short hike. All of my grands are in WI.

We stopped at a garage sale and they played at the playground across the street.

Grandmas have time for spontaneous play times! Just 15 minutes of play is good exercise. 

Though we may have to bend a little we still can remain strong!


What Happened?

Ok, I just posted on my blog, but it doesn't show up on my blog roll............what happened???

Tips & Tricks

Here are a few bits and pieces of some helpful hints:

  • Always rinse out your new paint roller before you use it. That will clean off the shavings and fluff left on from manufacturing and will allow the roller to soak up the water first and not so much paint. Squeeze the water out before use. 
  • If your hair is dry use olive oil to condition it: I warm up about 1/4 cup of oil, rub it into my hair, wrap with a warm towel. Leave on until the towel is cool and then wash as usual.
  • Use a mixture of warm oil and sugar to soften hands. Warm up a bit of olive oil and sugar (salt will work too), rub into your hands and rinse. 
  • My grandchildren are preteens and do not have the latest technology with them at all times and get bored on car rides. I found some FREE printable bingo cards to download and print here. I also have a site where you can make your own bingo cards and they have lots of other free printables too. The thrift store had a great hangman game board that I purchased just for car rides and they LOVE it! It's entertaining and teaching. It's a board, about 8-12" x 11" and at the bottom has a small white board area to write down the word, On the side there's a place with an elastic band to hold the marker, and the letters and body parts are attached with elastic. You flip over the letter as it is guessed and the body part for the hangman. 
  • I color my own hair and fortunately the color that I like is not the expensive brand. I'm a redhead/strawberry blond and like to put low lights in my hair pretty often. I use the cheapest brand I can find for that, the kind that mixes in a plastic squeeze bottle. Since I have fine hair and use this color on only a few strands I have lots of it left and throw it away. As far as hair-color goes red fades the fastest....and this sunshine we've been having doesn't help either. I decided to experiment and see if the darker color would be OK if I just stored the plastic bottle of color in the medicine cabinet for a couple of weeks until I wanted to use it again. About 3 weeks later I used it and my hair didn't fall out or turn green or anything else horrendous  so I think my little experiment was a success!
               (my disclaimer) I am not recommending this....just saying it works for's up to
               you if you want to try it. The bottle says to throw any leftovers away.

  • Wouldn't you love to put together a family magazine? I would.....I stumbled across a blog Landee See Landee Do and she tells you how. Check it out even if you're not up to it. Every year my daughter makes a photo calender for us............we love it!!! we look for it!!!! I think she knows that if she didn't do it we'd disown her (just kidding Amy).
  • If you eat at a restaurant that has free refills and you can't finish all of your soda (or if you drink tons of unsweetened ice tea) ask for a 'to go' cup and take it with you.