"You mean I'd have to pay more for not taking the eggs?" my wife asked incredulously.
"Yes," said the waitress.
"I'll take the special, then," my wife said.
"How do you want your eggs?" the waitress asked.
"Raw and in the shell," my wife replied.
She took the two eggs home and baked a cake. ( don't mess with seniors)
Since I'm kinda grouchy I thought I'd start off with a funny.
....and if I'm ever in that situation I hope I remember to ask for my eggs in that form.
First: I'm still not feeling any better....this is the 3rd week. I am so tired and take a nap late in the afternoon...and I do sleep. I also get so out of breath and can not walk and talk at the same time. When I do go to bed I sleep fitfully.
But my appetite is back, that I WAS NOT worried about. I am not sleeping so late in the morning, that's a good sign.
I went in for my physical earlier in the week, which did not happen. My BP was really low, so after she talked to my cardiology nurse I was told to go back to my previous dose of that med. We talked in depth about how terrible I felt. The NP ordered a 4th set of blood tests for me.
Finally.....some news. I'm glad all of my other tests were good...but what is wrong with me? Why do I feel so awful?
My thyroid is under active, most likely from my radiation last year. I'll start the new meds tomorrow.
Also my inflammation indicators are quite high. I am not sure what that means exactly, but arthritis,and such does run in my family so that doesn't surprise me.
Since I am a blood thinner I have my blood checked about every 4 weeks. My INR is supposed to be between 2-3, so when the nurse called and said it was 6.3 I shouted out "holy shit".
Next week I am going to have my physical. The week after I have two more dr appointments - a rheumatologist and an electrophysiologist. I sure hope one of these doctors can figure out why I am so out of breath.
Second: I'm grouchy because I let one person get to me, even though 50 other people like me, I listen to the one that hates me and let that bother me.
On the bright side Yesterday I had lunch at school with 2 of my grandsons. We always enjoy that.
I have been doing the aquatic exercises at the Y with the Silver Sneakers b/c I can move at my own pace. Today we had a Valentine's party - soup & sandwich and some games (prizes, of course). It was really nice.
Looks like it will be a cold and quite weekend here. Kev and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day...actually he doesn't really celebrate any holiday. He does bring me bar food on Wednesday nights....so I can live with that.
Happy Valentine's Day to you!!