Friday, October 14, 2016

Halloween's coming

Pumpkins are everywhere

So are the jack o'lanterns
 Not my style
 These are cute

Just a few of the pumpkins I've seen around


  1. Cute pumpkins! I still haven't put out my Halloween decorations. I don't do scary stuff, just some colorful pumpkins:). Enjoy your day dear friend. Hugs

  2. Linda, I like those quirky pumpkins the best. :):) You know kids would love them. Hope you are feeling better today sweet lady, it's Saturday . Today's been chilly . My Ted and I have done chores most all day. He's watched a few woodworking shows. I like to watch those also. I have the laundry caught up...which is crazy amounts for two people. LOL. Wish you and I were sitting together and having a coffee or tea....just sharing time. You are in my thoughts and prayers and always in my heart. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

  3. Hope you are feeling better. Have a good weekend. Continued prayers :)

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