Today is national suicide prevention day. I'll admit, it's not a very exciting day, but one we should think about. Have you ever thought of taking your own life? sucks? why bother? no one cares.....Has someone you loved given up and succumbed to those thoughts? Or maybe a friend of, or a family member of a friend has 'thrown in the towel'? It's hard for those of us who are left to understand why that person could hurt us so badly......we know that if only a little time could pass things would be better........
But he/she is not thinking (rationally) like you or I; to him/her there is no end to the pain, and there is only one way to be rid of it.
I understand a little because I have lost 2 people, that I loved, to suicide. I was only 18 months old when my father took his life so I don't remember, but that doesn't mean I don't miss him or that it didn't affect my life. My mother and I didn't discuss it....she didn't remember that time in her life. There is such a stigma regarding suicide, even more so 60+ years ago. I didn't find out until I was a teenager the real cause of my dad's death. I was so embarrassed that I didn't tell anyone for many, many years.
Several years after my divorce and shortly after my 2nd marriage my ex husband took his life. I wasn't in love with him any more, but at one time I did love him....he was my first love and the father of my children.
I just want to share my feelings today and offer compassion to anyone who has experienced that tragedy.
Understand that is it NO ONE'S fault....
I found this info on the web:
Some of the statistics reported by the National Council are startling:
8.7 million people report having serious thoughts about suicide.
2.5 million made suicide plans.
1.0 people attempted suicide.
Those who are unemployed are more likely to attempt suicide than those who are employed.
What is even more startling is that suicide is:
1. The second leading cause of death among children. The high rate clusters around teenagers between 15 and 19. It's important to point out that younger children attempt suicide. Nine per 100,000 children ages 10 to 14 attempt suicide.
2. The fourth leading cause of death among people between 18 and 65.
3. Suicide is the second most common cause of death in the U.S. military.
Some of the risk factors for suicide are:
1. Depression and other mental disorders, or a substance-abuse disorder (often in combination with other mental disorders). More than 90 percent of people who die by suicide have these risk factors prior to a suicide attempt.
2. Family history of mental disorder or substance abuse.
3. Family history of suicide.
4. Family violence, including physical or sexual abuse.
5. Firearms in the home, the method used in more than half of suicides.
6. Incarceration.
7. Exposure to the suicidal behavior of others, such as family members, peers, or media figures.
When should you call for help at a suicide prevention hotline:
*Feeling like you want to die.
*Feeling trapped or like you cannot handle the pain.
*Feeling hopeless and there is no reason to live.
*Searching for ways to kill yourself.
*Feeling like you cannot talk to anyone and would rather be alone.
*Drinking more alcohol or using more drugs.
*Feeling you are a burden to others.
*Sleeping too little or too much.
*Feeling anxious or agitated.
*Wanting to seek revenge.
Any or all of these are good reasons to call for help.
What should I do if I think someone is suicidal?
If you think someone is suicidal, do not leave him or her alone. Try to get the person to seek immediate help from his or her doctor or the nearest hospital emergency room, or call 911. Eliminate access to firearms or other potential tools for suicide, including unsupervised access to medications. Always take suicide threats very seriously.
If you are in a crisis and need help right away: Call this toll-free number, available 24 hours a day, every day: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You will reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a service available to anyone. You may call for yourself or for someone you care about. All calls are confidential.