Have you seen TLC's EXTREME CHEAPSKATES? I watched most of it one night when I was being lazy. Some of those people are REALLY cheap: one man dumpster dived and found some one's cast off (and droopy) roses to give to his wife for their anniversary. Another woman would not buy toilet paper but insisted on using cloth rags and then washing them to reuse. I could, maybe, use rags to wipe.......but I could NOT wash them...no way, no how...that's just not me. She may be saving money but she wouldn't have the joy of recycling and could not make this little book.
Now to the making of my little book: Start with a couple of empty toilet paper rolls. I used 4. Flatten them and grab some paint, I had some acrylic paint that I just grabbed out of the bin. Paint the outside, you can leave the center plain if you plan to cover the inside 'page' with decorative paper.
You can't see it but I punched 2 holes on one end and put rings through them. I tied a bunch of ribbon scraps onto the rings, I like the way that looks....or you could leave plain. I also glued the ends and finally I used a heavy duty stapler to staple the end together. The inside of the roll makes an 'envelope' perfect for a tag.
The fronts and backs of my tags. One has scraps of leather as a layer, another is a playing card (found at the thrift store), the polka dotted one has a wire BELIEVE attached with brads. One of the bottom ones has a section of notes I took at a Bible study. I used rub ons on a couple and Monday is my favorite day.
I like how your tag booklet turned out. I'm beginning to look at tp cores in a different way, as I've seen many ideas for wreaths and ornaments made from them on Pinterest.