I am very thankful for my mother and don't tell her nearly as much as I should. She's the reason I am who I am today. I've been influenced by the things she did and said and also by what she did not say or do. My mom is very strong and has been through a lot in her life, including the great depression and loosing her baby and husband within one year. She's not book smart but she was not afraid to try to fix something, she knew about nature and animals, she'd tell me I was 'just right' when I thought I was too skinny, one of her favorite sayings was 'sometimes you have to bite your tongue', she taught me to drive a stick shift, she loves her grandchildren and helped my sister and me so much with them, and on and on. Thanks mom!!!!!!!
While I'm at it I am thankful for my father too although I don't remember him. Without him where would I be? Not here, I guarantee!!!! I don't know what attributes I can 'blame' him for....but I am guessing he's where I got the healthy genes from.... I seem to be the healthy one in the family...but who knows?
I have a lot to be thankful for!
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