After a 6 day whirlwind tour of Washington DC I just can't stop....not that I don't want to. Friday I went back to work and had a great day, actually got all my work done. I was asked to watch my 2 grandsons while their parents moved. So I picked up the boys after work.

I said they could spend the night. We were up early Saturday morning to watch 2 of my other grand kids play soccer. We left at 6:45AM (my original plan was to go alone). It was a cool, crisp autumn morning and we saw lots of frost on the ground.
Wish I had this much energy!!!!!

They boys (and a girl) wrestled when Tyler was finished with his game.

Mom coaches one of the teams and both parents usually watch the games. It's so nice to see their involvement and encouragement in group activities.

Afterwards we stopped at my mom's for a quick visit and I took the boys through the park in Clintonville (where I grew up).

The view my mom has from her apartment...minus the cute kids.

Playing after the soccer game is over.

My mom is so glad she has a view of the pond and not the parking lot.

Jumping on the 'wiggly bridge' at WA Olen park in my home town.
Gorgeous country road on the way home.

I won tickets to the magic show so we had to hurry home. The boys getting an autographed photo from the magician and he showed grandson J a quick trick using J's stretchy bracelet.

Both boys spend the night on saturday too. Now it's time to get ready for church and Sunday School. It's my turn to teach..............gotta go! I can't wait until tomorrow and a day off!!!!
What a wonderful time with the grandkids. Beautiful country there, and your mom's apartment view is lovely...much, much better than a parking lot, LOL. Glad you had such a wonderful time.